Iran would be forced to build nuclear weapons if Israel threatens its existence, a senior advisor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned. "There will be no choice but to change our ...
You use the perfect tense when, in English, you would say that something has happened. So, if you wanted to say: ‘You have been to the hairdresser,' 'she has eaten all the biscuits’ or ...
Há 17 meses em seu terceiro mandato como presidente, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva deixou sua marca em um Banco Central contra o qual tem lutado.
Former public relations boss Mark Davies is giving evidence at the inquiry into the Post Office Horizon IT scandal He says that, in hindsight, a series of emails denying problems with Horizon ...
Emails dating back to 2015 are continuing to be shown to the inquiry We've heard Davies insist a number of times that he "doesn't recall" when responding to questions put to him by Blake.