Former President Donald Trump at a Republican retreat compared President Joe Biden’s administration to the Nazi secret police ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accused Democratic rival President Joe Biden of running a "Gestapo ...
The former president reportedly compared the Biden administration to the secret police force of Nazi Germany during a speech ...
Donald Trump told Republican donors at his Florida resort this weekend that President Joe Biden is running what Trump says is ...
Saturday’s sometimes profane remarks illustrated the central role his legal cases are playing in his bid to return to the ...
In a close-door retreat to Republican donors over the weekend, Trump said: “These people are running a Gestapo administration ...
“These people are running a Gestapo administration,” Trump said of Biden at the fundraiser hosted at his Mar-a-Lago property ...
Former President Donald Trump took his war of words against his election opponent, President Joe Biden, to a new level on ...
Potential vice president contender and North Dakota Governor, Doug Burgum, seems to brush-off questions that could portray ...
The Trump campaign told donors over the weekend that $76 million was raised in April between the RNC and the campaign, sources said.
PALM BEACH, Fla. — Donald Trump compared President Joe Biden’s administration to the secret police force of Nazi Germany in remarks at a private, closed-door donor retreat on Saturday afternoon.
President Donald Trump (R) attracted more controversy this past weekend after accusing President Joe Biden (D) of running a ...