Cranberry hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) is a vibrant, fast-growing shrubby plant with rich burgundy foliage and handsome ...
Interestingly, the green leaves are also edible and can be used in salads. For those of you who grow the edible-leaved hibiscus acetosella, these leaves are also perfect for a salad and taste similar ...
Achabal’s event, which is aptly titled “Wild Harvest: A Spring Greens Foraging Adventure,” is part of a larger program called ...
Wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) has many names, but is best known across Europe as the “alleluia plant” – because its delicate white flowers will be open for Easter Day.
Sheep's sorrel currently has a botanical name of Rumex acetosella though at times it has been known as Acetosa acetosella. It has a creeping root system, which is very similar to a rhizome system.