How do you hope people are using or reading the NRSVue? JK: The Bible can’t be read alone. I was raised Catholic, so the idea of sola scriptura is really foreign for me, and it became even more ...
Along with most of the Reformers, these "radicals" zealously promoted the principle of Sola Scriptura, and they rejected the authority of the pope and much of traditional Catholic theology.
This three-pronged strategy rose from Carey’s confidence in the Reformation principle of sola Scriptura [Scripture alone]. While the mission schools taught a wide range of subjects, Bible ...
The Catholic Archbishop of Abuja has raised concern over the recklessness displayed by preachers in condemning Catholics ...
But one viewer was unhappy with that take, and offered an altervative. @omega_scriptura said: "The flaw in the idea of the ...
Generally, the concept of sola scriptura (Latin for achieving God's grace through scripture alone) remains a bedrock philosophy of all Protestant churches. Although the relationship would ...