Despite previous commitments, the European Commission has failed to put forward a law on screening for asbestos — passing on ...
Ahead of the EU elections, disinformation is by far the biggest concern MEPs face. With every passing week, there are new ...
A slew of recent Russian and Chinese spy revelations makes it look like the 2024 EU elections are taking place amid ...
European political parties are largely inaccessible to users with disabilities In the EU, around 87 million people have some ...
Kenyan and EU officials have repeatedly argued that carbon credit markets are an important part of their future cooperation ...
It is estimated that between 800 and 1,600 women are killed in the EU by a family member or an intimate partner every year ...
The US has warned that China is trying to build an axis of anti-Western leaders with Hungary, Serbia, and Russia.
As pro-Palestine student occupations spread across campuses in Europe, universities are facing increasing calls to cut ties ...
EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has attacked the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party — but her centre-right European People’s Party has refused to sign a joint declaration ...
Although EU leaders were previously divided on their approach to Egypt, given Cairo's human rights abuses and the country's economic crisis, the country's role in the Middle East and controlling ...
The European Parliament has lost a transparency case in its efforts to keep secret the payslips of jailed Greek neo-Nazi MEP Ioannis Lagos.
Kenya and the European Union have opened negotiations on a data agreement that would be the first between the EU and an African state.