Acquisition discussions are reportedly progressing between Alphabet, Google's parent company, and HubSpot. No deal has yet been reached.
TikTok is highlighting the discovery modes that power community-driven search ecosystems to show what brands will miss if the ...
Active keywords with no impressions in the past 13 months will be paused. If you re-enable them, they could be paused again ...
Meta's said setting new detailed targeting exclusions would no longer be possible when creating campaigns after June 28. But it was a bug.
While the number of Google search queries without SGE results have significantly increased, SGE answers now take up less pixel space.
Embracing AI is key to smarter PPC management. Let AI do the heavy lifting on these key tasks, from keyword research to ...
Google has lost search market share in the U.S., North America, globally and elsewhere. Meanwhile Bing and Yahoo grew. Is the ...
It wasn't as dramatic a drop as first reported, but Google has consistently lost U.S. search market share since August 2023.
Microsoft Copilot now offers AI-powered conversational support, creative asset recommendations and content generation ...
Here's how Google harms advertisers in 20 slides, according to the DOJ's closing statement on search advertising.
An analysis of 1.7 million SERP positions and over 20,000 keywords across 15 markets uncovers global trends in Google’s SERPs ...
Key tactics for driving ecommerce SEO success, from targeting high-search commercial keywords to earning brand mentions through digital PR.