Higher-ed leaders and faulty must keep an eye on fast-approaching innovations to prepare for their impact on campus.
The Horizon Report notes that higher ed must embrace change as student demographics change, as the digital divide persists, ...
Students consider faculty an essential resource for career readiness--but faculty involvement sometimes varies by discipline.
Realizing the full potential of FHE requires overcoming technical challenges and making the technology more accessible to educators and researchers.
Georgia Tech’s College of Engineering has established an artificial intelligence supercomputer hub dedicated exclusively to teaching students. The initiative–the AI Makerspace–is launched in ...
Traditional subjects like history and literature are being reimagined through the lens of data, enabling new insights and approaches to teaching and research Pharaohs and pyramids may not be the first ...
Stakeholders from K-12, higher ed, industry, and government are convening to outline AI skills and workforce development ...
CPL is the practice of documenting a student’s existing knowledge and skills through written assessments or validation of ...
Students say their employability skills will benefit from study abroad programs, but two-thirds say cost is the primary ...
A survey reveals that a false sense of confidence leaves organizations vulnerable to cyber threats and on the hook for ...
Campus leaders are faced with a number of higher-ed trends and outside factors influencing their institution's path forward.