Pulmonologists are witnessing a surge in new technologies, some of which significantly enhance the characterization of lung ...
Despite facing high-stress work environments, many physician assistants are not leveraging available mental health provider ...
An artificial intelligence system that alerts hospital physicians about patients' high risk for mortality reduces the number ...
Emerging science suggests urine tests could offer a convenient, cost-effective way to spot hard-to-detect cancers.
Both financial and physical food insecurity increased the risk, but standard questions didn't capture the latter.
Patients with complicated diverticulitis or who aren't current with colorectal cancer screening are at higher risk and should ...
The number of cancer cases and deaths in Canada will increase in 2024 and beyond as rates of cancer diagnosis and ...
The drug company voluntarily requested the withdrawal of infigratinib, citing challenges enrolling patients for the required confirmatory postmarketing trials.
The European Renal Association (ERA) kicks off its 61 st ERA Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, with a theme of "Rethinking kidney health, transforming kidney care," and a program full of sessions delving ...
With an assist from machine learning, investigators find a genetic test that can identify obesity phenotypes and predict who will benefit most from semaglutide for weight loss.
Patients with early-stage HER2+ breast cancer could soon be offered less intensive treatment based on the results of a ...
The data suggest that the pandemic has disproportionately affected pregnant women and postpartum women, according to the ...