This enables at-home administration of the medication, which was previously available only via intravenous infusion.
LISBON, Portugal — A novel oral drug offers clinically meaningful improvements in exercise capacity in patients with ...
Drs Kaniksha Desai and Samer Nakhle discuss microwave ablation vs radiofrequency ablation for treating thyroid nodules.
Persons with asthma or COPD found through community outreach had improvements in lung function and quality of life over 1 year in a randomized trial.
Measures of movement and leg strength were associated with the likelihood of living to 95 years old, data from Italy show.
Pulmonologists are witnessing a surge in new technologies, some of which significantly enhance the characterization of lung ...
In older adults with T1D, less daytime hypoglycemia was the biggest predictor of improvements in IAH in a 6-month study.
Emerging science suggests urine tests could offer a convenient, cost-effective way to spot hard-to-detect cancers.
New evidence about intense running has added to conflicting research about the health effects of extreme exercise.
Despite facing high-stress work environments, many physician assistants are not leveraging available mental health provider ...
An artificial intelligence system that alerts hospital physicians about patients' high risk for mortality reduces the number ...
Patients with complicated diverticulitis or who aren't current with colorectal cancer screening are at higher risk and should ...