Imagine you had a friend who gave different answers to the same question, depending on how you asked it. “What’s the capital ...
Google DeepMind’s AlphaFold3 and other deep learning algorithms can now predict the shapes of interacting complexes of ...
Perhaps dark matter is made of an entirely different kind of particle than the ones physicists have been searching for. New ...
André Weil wrote a letter to his sister, Simone, outlining his vision for translating between three distinct areas of ...
After years of false starts, a team of computer scientists has found a way to efficiently deduce the Hamiltonian of a ...
If you want to efficiently pack squares in two dimensions, you arrange them like a checkerboard. To squeeze together ...
Why have bacteria never evolved complex multicellularity? A new hypothesis suggests that it could come down to how ...
The outer layers of the sun’s atmosphere are a blistering million degrees hotter than its surface. The hidden culprit?