May 20, 2024: China has built its first modern aircraft carrier, the Type 003 Fujian, which began sea trials on May 1st that may last up to a year as the crew learns how to work as a team and operate ...
Meanwhile Ukraine builds its own UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and USVs (Unmanned Surface Vessels) to carry out attacks on economic targets inside Russia and force the Russian Black Fleet to flee ...
China suggested, and Russia accepted, that long-standing Chinese claims on a quarter of the Russian Far East and most of its prime coastal areas be considered as a form of payment. China never ...
Mohave will continue in service into the 2040s if development and use go as planned. The war in Ukraine has demonstrated that UAVs like Predator and Mohave are as vulnerable as manned aircraft to air ...
In Ukraine the Russian military sees Ukrainian UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), or drone, tactics as a major cause of Russian casualties. The UAVs not only attack targets but also find targets, even ...
The U.S. fears that F-16 attacks deep inside Russia could trigger a state of war between Russia and the United States. The Ukrainians have plenty of targets along the Russian border and prefer to use ...
May 14, 2024: Chinese leader Xi Jinping has decided to seize or try to seize Taiwan before the end of the decade. Xi realizes Taiwan has a say in this matter and wants to mobilize sufficient forces ...
Unmanned Long-Endurance Tactical Reconnaissance Aircraft crew chiefs, assigned within the U.S. Central Command area of ...
May 11, 2024: The Chinese military recently underwent another round of reforms, including the arrest and prosecution of several senior officers for corruption. The new reorganization created an ...
May 16, 2024: Documents collected and interviews conducted by Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed that senior Hamas leaders had a plan for what they would do if they somehow invaded and conquered ...
Structure/system isn't a fluff term. The pier complex doesn't deliver the goods. Trained military personnel connect the ships to the shore via the mobile pier. Trucks, driven by human beings, take the ...