Despite international outcry over the strike, Israeli forces have pushed into the centre of Rafah, the southernmost city in ...
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Armed ethnic groups are billed as a great hope against the junta, but Rohingya say they’re repeating the same ...
Despite the need for local solutions, Western governments are only paying lip service to a vital conflict resolution resource ...
A French court has sentenced three high-ranking Syrian officials to life imprisonment in absentia after finding them guilty of crimes against humanity and war crimes during the Syrian civil war.
As record-breaking temperatures sear swathes of Asia, a study has revealed that climate change caused an average of 26 days of extreme heat across the world last year – the hottest year on record.
Ignoring the orders of the UN’s top court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), to halt its offensive, the Israeli army has continued its assault on Rafah, the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip ...
Aid airdrops and other performative humanitarian actions in Gaza have served to focus attention on false solutions to the ...
The Arakan Army, one of the most prominent armed opposition groups challenging military rule in Myanmar, has been accused of ...
This is another edition of Inklings, which explores all things aid and aid-adjacent unfolding in humanitarian hubs, on the ...
Artillery shells are tearing through displacement camps and crashing through residential homes. Food and medical supplies are rapidly running out. People are fleeing communities without even being ...