Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. pier and into the besieged enclave for the first time Friday as Israeli restrictions on border crossings and heavy ...
Trucks begin aid deliveries via US-built ... aid shipment via the pier. Aid groups, the United Nations and Israel's closest allies, have all demanded that Israel do more to get aid into Gaza ...
3:54 ‘We don’t want ships, we want safety’: Palestinians react to US floating aid pier in Gaza Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. pier and ...
Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. floating ... people there. The shipment is the first in an operation that American military officials ...
Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. floating ... people there. The shipment is the first in an operation that American military officials ...
Lorries carrying humanitarian aid have been driven ashore in Gaza using a temporary pier set up by the US military, as Israel carries out air strikes across the war-ravaged enclave. US Central Command ...
Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. pier and into the besieged enclave for ...
WASHINGTON — Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built American pier and into the besieged enclave for the first time Friday. The shipment is the first in an ...
The U.S. military said Monday that it plans to stockpile aid shipments on a secure beach in Gaza during a U.N. pause on ...
Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. floating ... people there. The shipment is the first in an operation that American military officials ...
The floating pier that ... preventing aid from getting through the sole crossing between Gaza and Egypt. The US State Department warned that only 50 humanitarian aid trucks made it through ...