Riyadh state media says US national security adviser and Saudi crown prince discussed 'semi-final version of draft,' end to ...
United States and Saudi Arabia are reportedly "days away" from finalizing their historic security deal. This deal, which had ...
A US official confirmed substantial progress towards this agreement during National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s meeting ...
The US-Saudi Arabia bilateral security agreement being discussed will include security guarantees, arms sales, and civil ...
The United States and Saudi Arabia ... deal as well according to a spokesperson. Biden administration officials hope that the politically embattled Netanyahu will view the significant security ...
According to the White House on Monday, the United States and Saudi Arabia are close to a final agreement on a bilateral ...
President Joe Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan has met with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to ...
Saudi Arabia and the U.S. are close to reaching an agreement on a bilateral deal after Washington's national security adviser ...
In the time since, a punishing Israeli airstrike campaign and ground offensive there has killed over 35,000 Palestinians, endangering the security deal that had included Saudi Arabia diplomatically ...
Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Jake Sullivan and U.S. national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, have ...
President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, met with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ...
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