In a 2-to-1 decision, the panel sided with challengers who argued that the map that created a second Black majority district was an “impermissible racial gerrymander.” By Rick Rojas Reporting ...
A federal three-judge panel on Tuesday threw out Louisiana’s recently redrawn congressional map that included an additional majority-Black district, leaving the state without a settled ...
A federal court on Tuesday tossed out a newly drawn congressional map that created a second majority-Black district in Louisiana – in a potential blow to Democrats seeking to seize control of ...
The judges set a May 6 hearing for all parties to discuss next steps. An appeal to the US Supreme Court is likely – casting doubt over what map will be used in this year’s elections. State ...
A federal three-judge panel has asked the Louisiana Legislature to draw yet another congressional map by June 3 or have the court produce "interim" boundaries to conduct the Nov. 5 election.
Louisiana’s six U.S. House members still don’t know the shape of the districts they’ll run for this fall. But that should clarify within a month, according to an order promulgated Tuesday by ...
A federal three-judge panel has thrown out Louisiana's new congressional map that created a second Black district, leaving the state's political boundaries in question with the November election less ...
After the 2020 census, each state redrew its congressional district lines (if it had more than one seat) and its state ...