A new study uses genetics to chart cockroaches’ spread across the globe, from humble beginnings in southeast Asia to Europe ...
DALLAS: Cockroaches are experts at surviving indoors, hiding in kitchen pipes or musty drawers. But a new study published on ...
Cockroaches may have only migrated to Europe and the U.S. relatively recently, having evolved in India and Myanmar.
Modern cockroaches most likely originated in India or Myanmar before spreading westward over the last few thousand years. A ...
DALLAS (AP) — They're six-legged, hairy home invaders that just won't die, no matter how hard you try. Cockroaches are experts at surviving indoors, hiding in kitchen pipes or musty drawers. But they ...
A new study traces the German cockroach’s evolution throughout human history, from the Islamic empires to modern-day Europe.
Discover the journey of cockroaches from southeast Asia to worldwide pests, highlighting human influence in their global ...
The ancestors of German cockroaches pestered people about 2,000 years ago far from Germany, a study found. Here’s how the ...
Genomic analysis suggests the common kitchen vermin spread from Europe to the world. But it wasn't originally found in Europe ...
Harvard University postdoctoral researcher Qian Tang spoke with The Conversation about his research into the origins of the ...
A new paper looks at the genes of the most common cockroach species, tracing its historical journey alongside humans, from ...
This photo provided by Qian Tang shows a German cockroach and an Asian cockroach, specimens from Harvard Museum of ...