來自 OpenAI、Google DeepMind、Anthropic 的前員工共同簽署一份聲明,呼籲要保障 員工們評論 AI 公司風險問題的權利。這份聲明也受到 Geoffrey Hinton 和 Yoshua Bengio 等 AI ...
由OpenAI、Google DeepMind以及Anthropic等3大AI龍頭公司的十多位現任及前任員工連署公開信,揭露AI產業內部的隱憂:員工擔心自己無法自由表達對AI威脅人類的擔憂,因為他們受到保密協議、缺乏舉報保護機制以及害怕報復的限制。
Google’s AI division DeepMind has unveiled a groundbreaking computerised rat that is able to move around like a real rodent ...
美國之音報導,由Google所開發的人工智慧語言模型「 雙子座 」(Gemini),只要問到與中國大陸有關的問題,不是依中共方面的標準說法,就是以自己只是一個語言模型為理由,不予回應。美國方面已經有國會議員,注意到這樣的狀況。(葉柏毅報導) ...
一群來自人工智慧(AI)公司OpenAI 和Google DeepMind的現任和前任員工,對AI帶來的風險表示擔憂。OpenAI 的 11 名現任和前任員工,及Google DeepMind 的一名現任和另一名前員工,共同在一封公開信中 ...
A group of current and former employees at artificial intelligence (AI) companies, including Microsoft-backed OpenAI and ...
Google has developed a new AI tool to help marine biologists better understand coral reef ecosystems and their health, which ...
Google pulls back from its AI-assisted searches. New data shows only 15 percent of queries get AI Overview responses, but ...
With the market for generative AI exploding amid ballooning numbers of technology providers in every category, and burgeoning ...
Google I/O is an annual developer conference where Google shares updates and launches new products. Here's a timeline of ...
OpenAI boss Sam Altman didn't need to start a feud with Scarlett Johansson. Now it's affecting the whole AI industry.
Google for Startups has announced 24 startups selected for the 2024 cohort of the Growth Academy: AI for Health program.