The White House said on Friday that Sullivan would visit Saudi Arabia and Israel to discuss bilateral and regional matters, ...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met to discuss an almost ‘finalised’ draft of a deal between Washington and Riyadh, the Saudi state news ...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan met in Dhahran to discuss Israel's war in Gaza, finalize strategic agreements, seek a two-state ...
Saudi Crown Prince, US National Security Advisor Meet For Talks Prince Mohammed bin Salman and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met in Saudi Arabia's eastern city of Dhahran to discuss a ...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan met to discuss Israel's war in Gaza and seek to complete a broad bilateral agreement, the Saudi state ...
ROME, June 7 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will join at least 12 other heads of state and government invited by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to take part in ...
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman will join at least 12 other heads of state and government invited by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to take part in next ...
Наследный принц Саудовской Аравии передал акции крупнейшей в мире нефтяной компании Saudi Aramco стоимостью $80 млрд в суверенный фонд страны.
Наследный принц Саудовской Аравии передал акции крупнейшей в мире нефтяной компании Saudi Aramco на $78 млрд в суверенный фонд страны. Это уже ...
Jeddah, May 03, 2024, SPA -- His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has sent a cable of congratulations to ...
Царство переживает не лучшие деньки. Землю терзает засуха. Как будто этого мало, на страну нападают орды кровожадных врагов. Отряд великих ...
Александра Новака и его королевское высочество, представителя правящей династии Саудовской Аравии ...