莫德納 (Moderna) ( MRNA-US) 周五 (10 日) 表示,由於「行政限制」,美國食品和藥物管理局 (FDA) 已將其呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) 疫苗的批准順延到 5 月底。
The decision is a win for Moderna, which needs another revenue source amid plunging demand for its Covid vaccine, its only ...
The OK for mResvia adds another option for preventing RSV-related disease in older adults, one year after the agency cleared shots from GSK and Pfizer.
Moderna Inc. gained US approval for its RSV vaccine in older adults, giving the biotech company a second product as it seeks ...
智通財經APP獲悉,週五,美國疫苗製造商Moderna(MRNA.US)宣佈,該公司的呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)疫苗已經獲得美國食品和藥品管理局(FDA)的批准,這將使其在商業領域迎來更廣闊的發展前景。Moderna表示 ...
6月1日|美東時間週五,美國疫苗製造商莫德納(Moderna)宣佈,該公司的呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)疫苗已經獲得美國食品和藥品管理局(FDA)批准,這將使其在 ...
Moderna reported better-than-expected 1Q24 revenue of $167 million and its pipeline looks promising. Read my earnings ...
Moderna Inc.’s respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for older adults received U.S. regulatory approval, the company said ...
Synopsys VC Verification IP (VIP) for ARM® AMBA® AXI™ provides complete protocol support for AXI3™, AXI4™, AXI4-Lite™, AXI4-Stream™, ACE™, ACE-Lite™ , AHB™ and APB™ interfaces. ... Synopsys® VC ...
Moderna has secured FDA approval for its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, giving it a chance to generate revenue from a second product as sales of its Spikevax COVID-19 shot have slumped.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Moderna's respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, the company announced on Friday, giving it a shot at much-needed new revenue from a second product.
Moderna Chief Executive Officer Stéphane Bancel talks about how the biotech giant is cutting costs and developing new vaccines. The drugmaker expects to have its vaccine for respiratory syncytial ...