Protesters: “Forty thousand people dead.” “Joe Biden, your hands are red.” [cheering] “We will free Palestine.” “We will free ...
Demonstrators said the banner reached two miles and symbolized a "red line" for the president's support of Israel.
Pro-Palestinian activists demanding an end to the war in Gaza and to American support for Israel plan to surround the White ...
Pro-Palestinian activists demanding an end to the war in the Gaza Strip and to U.S. support for Israel plan to surround the ...
Thousands of Gaza war protesters held a “red line” rally near the White House on Saturday, voicing anger at what they said is ...
Thousands of protesters encircled the White House with a sea of red fabric on Saturday, demanding President Biden call for a ...
“The protesters set up tents and barricades on the western end of Dickson Plaza around 3:15 p.m.,” the Daily Bruin reported. ...
Thousands of Gaza war protesters held a "red line" rally near the White House on Saturday, voicing anger at US President Joe ...
As a surge of pro-Palestinian demonstrations on U.S. college campuses has been curtailed in recent weeks, including through ...
The pro-Hamas White House protest proved a striking display of unity between Muslim, Marxist, LGBT, and even Jewish activists ...
Demonstrators near White House protest Gaza war in terror group attire, burn US flags; in London, thousands march against ...
has seen months of pro-Palestinian protests ranging from marches and vigils to the blocking of bridges and roads near train ...