Protesters: “Forty thousand people dead.” “Joe Biden, your hands are red.” [cheering] “We will free Palestine.” “We will free ...
Law enforcement officers used pepper spray on some protesters taking part in a pro-Palestinian rally outside the White House ...
WASHINGTON - Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters gather in front of the White House in D.C. Protesters surround the White ...
Demonstrators said the banner reached two miles and symbolized a "red line" for the president's support of Israel.
As the Israel Defense Forces on Saturday killed over 200 more Palestinians in the Gaza Strip while rescuing four hostages ...
A huge pro-Palestine protest at the White House has descended into chaos with smoke bombs let off and attendees claiming they ...
WASHINGTON: Thousands of Gaza war protesters held a "red line" rally near the White House on Saturday (Jun 8), voicing anger ...
Thousands of Gaza war protesters held a "red line" rally near the White House on Saturday, voicing anger at US President Joe ...
Cleanup is underway after graffiti and vandalism were left behind following a protest in D.C. outside the White House calling ...
Pro-Palestinian activists demanding an end to the war in the Gaza Strip and to U.S. support for Israel plan to surround the ...
Tensions have flared at a pro-Palestine rally where police have used pepper spray in an attempt to control protesters.
Demonstrators near White House protest Gaza war in terror group attire, burn US flags; in London, thousands march against ...