California Gov. Gavin Newsom's budget proposal could cost businesses in the state $18 billion over the next several years, ...
Newsom wants to take $6.7 billion that had been earmarked for increased Medi-Cal payments to health care providers and ...
The single largest cut in Gov. Gavin Newsom ’s latest budget proposal threatens to undo a multi-billion dollar deal he made ...
California's largest teachers union is looking to block a part of the governor's plan to balance the budget, saying it 'would ...
Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California will still face a budget deficit of $27.6 billion despite already cutting $17 ...
Newsom announced his revised $288 billion budget which calls for spending cuts, slashing over 10,000 vacant jobs, and ending ...
The California governor presented his spending plan for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. It would strip $260 million from the state’s major homelessness program. Some lawmakers want to restore that funding.
Newsom’s revised budget would strip $260 million in extra money for the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention program, or HHAP, which provides flexible grant dollars to local governments and ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday announced a $27.6 billion shortfall in his revised proposal for the 2024-25 state ...
California Senator Roger Niello, R-Fair Oaks, joined Inside California Politics co-host Nikki Laurenzo to discuss Governor ...
Not even three years ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom promised California’s public universities five years of annual growth in state ...
Areas such as homelessness, child care, education and transportation could take hits if the cuts make the final budget in ...