Keeping global temperatures below the limit set in the 2015 Paris Agreement requires rapid cuts in greenhouse emissions. However, scenarios consistent with the Paris limit also assume heavy reliance ...
Carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise. Many countries have started to remove the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.
Limited understanding of basic ocean processes is hindering progress in marine carbon dioxide removal, with the on-going commercialization of some approaches 'premature and misguided'. Scientists now ...
For this, it is considered that Carbon dioxide must also be removed from the atmosphere and stored (Carbon Dioxide Removal, CDR). CDR is particularly needed to offset emissions that are difficult to ...
These involve shellfish cultivation, seaweed farming, coastal blue carbon - using the restoration of seagrass, saltmarsh and ...
Limited understanding of basic ocean processes is hindering progress in marine carbon dioxide removal, with the on-going ...
A decade ago, carbon dioxide removal was a small part of the global climate change conversation. But the latest IPPC report notes that alongside other measures “Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) will be ...
The G7 leaders recently committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, with the Albanese government in Australia ...
Now, a proposed law aimed at getting the private sector to participate in the national climate strategy is gaining ground.
This is what “net zero” means – a “balance” between carbon emissions and carbon sinks. It was subsequently enshrined in the ...