How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, ...
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one name ...
(City of Kyle, Texas via AP) KYLE, Texas (AP) — How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record ...
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one ...
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one ...
Hundreds of people gathered in a Texas city to try and break a unique ... Just 754 boys were named Kyle that year, compared to a whopping 22,709 in 1990.
706 People Named Kyle Got Together in Texas. It Wasn’t Enough for a World Record. KYLE, Texas (AP) — How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough.
When are 706 people named Kyle in the same place not enough KYLE, Texas -- How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle ...
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough.Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one ...
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one ...