How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, ...
Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with one name fell ...
KYLE, Texas — How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of ...
The City of Kyle in Texas has been trying to break the world record since 2017 Hundreds of people gathered in a Texas city to try and break a unique world record, but ultimately came up short once ...
KYLE, Texas (AP) — How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the ...
KYLE, Texas — How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of ...
A group of 706 people named Kyle united in a city with the same name – but it still wasn’t enough for them to break a world ...
It was another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record. KYLE, Texas -- How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the ...
Hundreds of people from across the country named Kyle made their way to the city of Kyle in an attempt to break a Guinness ...
The city of Kyle, Texas, made another attempt to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with the same ...
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, ...
Kyle, Texas, hoped for 2,326 Kyles to attend the fifth annual Kyle Fair A Tex-Travaganza. However, according to City ...