When are 706 people named Kyle in the same place not enough? When a world record is at stake. Another attempt Saturday by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record for the largest gathering ...
KYLE, Texas — How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of ...
KYLE, Texas (AP) — How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the ...
The current record was set by the city of Kupreski Kosci in Bosnia and Herzegovina on July 30, 2017, when 2,325 individuals named Ivan gathered together.
Hundreds of people from across the country named Kyle made their way to the city of Kyle in an attempt to break a Guinness ...
It was another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, to break the world record. KYLE, Texas -- How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the ...
The city of Kyle, Texas, made another attempt to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with the same ...
A group of 706 people named Kyle united in a city with the same name – but it still wasn’t enough for them to break a world ...
How many people named Kyle can fit in one place? For one Texas city, not enough. Another attempt by the city of Kyle, Texas, ...
美國德州凱爾市(Kyle, TX)本周六出現一場特別的活動,一群「凱爾」(Kyle)齊聚一堂,準備瞄準「最多同名人士集會」的世界紀錄,但最終鎩羽而歸。 我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀 根據《美聯社》報導,凱爾市(Kyle, ...
The city of Kyle Texas made another attempt to break the world record for the largest gathering of people with the same name ...
Kyle, Texas, hoped for 2,326 Kyles to attend the fifth annual Kyle Fair A Tex-Travaganza. However, according to City ...