被譽為「極簡主義之父 Father of Minimalism」的美國藝術家 Frank Stella 以其簡約抽象畫作而聞名,上週末在紐約 West Village 家中去世,享壽 87 歲。
【Frank Stella/極簡主義/抽象藝術】美國藝壇「極簡主義」之父Frank Stella於5月4日在康涅狄格州家中與世長辭,享年87歲。Stella被 ...
Frank Stella, a painter, sculptor and printmaker whose constantly evolving works are hailed as landmarks of the minimalist and post-painterly abstraction art movements, died Saturday at his home ...
In the years since then, he has worked consistently in series, pioneering new approaches to form, color, narrative, and abstraction with innovative paintings, prints, sculptures, and architectural ...
Renowned artist Frank Stella, whose large-scale minimalist "Black Paintings" took the art world by storm in the 1950s, has died at the age of 87. Yahoo Sports ...
American artist Frank Stella, known for his bold and bright synthetic colors, pin-stripes, symmetry in his pieces — and cool modern minimalist style — died at his home in the West Village of New ...
Frank Stella, a painter, sculptor and printmaker whose constantly evolving works served as landmarks of the minimalist and post-painterly abstraction art movements, has died. Frank Stella, a painter, ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Frank Stella, a painter, sculptor and printmaker whose constantly evolving works are hailed as landmarks of the minimalist and post-painterly abstraction art movements, died ...
Frank Stella, an American artist famous for testing the limits of abstraction across artistic media, died on Saturday, May 4 at age 87. In a statement announcing his passing, the artist’s New ...
Renowned minimalist painter Frank Stella died Saturday of lymphoma at his home in Manhattan, N.Y. The artist was 87 years old.One of the most influential American artists of his time, Stella was a ...