Spy agencies around the world want generative AI to help them understand and analyze the growing amounts of classified ...
除了 Team Copilot 之外,微軟在今年 Build 開發者大會上還宣布 OpenAI 最新的 GPT-4o 將會以 API 形式在程式碼工具「Azure AI Studio」中提供! 由於 GPT-4o ...
微軟執行長納德拉說,新推出的這款 AI PC 將取名 Copilot+PC。微軟的 Surface 系列和宏碁 (2353) 、華碩 (2357) 在內製造夥伴都將推出 Copilot+PC,功能不僅比蘋果 MacBook Air ...
While the company has added new ultra-wideband radio tech to its keyless system, which can prevent “relay attacks,” ...
Microsoft and Google's parent company both beat Wall Street's Q1 expectations. Their CEOs say that'… ...
Google is desperately chasing Microsoft's search AI tools, and the half-baked results speak for themselves. Now connected up ...
Privacy experts warn that new computers with built-in artificial intelligence technology mean Big Tech is increasingly watching what you do.On May 21, Microsoft announced that it’s building AI ...
As rumored, Microsoft just revealed that PCs are never going to be the same again, thanks to AI. The features are amazing, ...
The Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF has positions in all of the stocks above except for Arm Holdings. Its top stock ...
AI is all the rage, but some investors worry about investing directly into these companies. Here are artificial intelligence ...
The AI model is based on GPT-4 and can read and analyze files, but is "air-gapped" to keep it secur… A director of ...