布斯基是底特律熟食店老闆的兒子,曾被認為是華爾街最富有、最有影響力的冒險家之一。他從已故岳母的遺產中拿出了 70 萬美元,並將財富累計至超過 2 億美元,躋身《Forbes》雜誌美國 400 名最富有的人之列。
Ivan Boesky helped prosecutors expose a massive insider trading scandal and bust "junk bond king" Michael Milken.
Ivan Boesky, the infamous insider trader whose name became synonymous with financial greed and helped inspire the fictional ...
His name became synonymous with greed, which he infamously told business school graduates at a commencement was “healthy.” ...
Ivan F. Boesky, the 1980s financier who inspired the cutthroat corporate raider Gordon Gekko of Oliver Stone's 1987 film Wall ...
Ivan Boesky, financier involved in 1980s insider trading, died at 87. His fall shocked the Jewish community, prompting ...
Ivan Boesky, who reached the pinnacle of fame and fortune as a high-flying Wall Street arbitrageur in the 1980s only to be ...
His cooperation with federal authorities would lead to the end of the frenzied debt-fueled takeovers that upended most every ...
Ivan Boesky, involved in one of Wall Street's biggest insider trading scandals, dies at age 87, according to reports ...
Ivan Boesky, a onetime Wall Street titan-turned-convict who served as the partial inspiration for the 1987 Oliver Stone film ...
May 20 (Reuters) - Ivan Boesky, the financier who gave birth to the "greed is good" mantra before going to prison in one of the biggest Wall Street insider trading scandals of the 1980s, has died at ...