Voiceover actor Paul Skye Lehrman was at his friend’s house in 2022 when a YouTube video was pulled up from a channel called ...
Plaintiffs are seeking $5 million in damages in the class-action suit The post Voiceover Actors Sue AI Startup Lovo for ...
The Berkley-based AI startup, LOVO, is facing a class action lawsuit alleging the startup misappropriated voiceover actors ...
Lovo, a Berkeley-based AI startup, was accused in a lawsuit Thursday of stealing actors' voices to create an AI generator.
Voice actor Paul Lehrman took a job in 2020 for which he believed he was providing a set of one-off voice samples. Years ...
Two voice actors sued artificial-intelligence startup Lovo in Manhattan federal court on Thursday, accusing the company of ...
Scarlett Johansson is furious that OpenAI seemingly mimiced her voice in its ChatGPT update, which could be an "appropriation ...
New York City-based voice actors Paul Skye Lehrman and Linnea Sage have filed a groundbreaking lawsuit against Lovo, a Berkeley, California-based AI startup. The actors claim that Lovo used recordings ...
A group of actors is suing Lovo, an AI voice generator over claims the company used their voices without permission. The plaintiffs are Linnea Sage, who voices Black Cat in the Marvel Snap video game ...
OpenAI has landed itself in hot water for pushing out an update to ChatGPT that features a virtual assistant with an uncanny ...