HOUSTON (Reuters) -Oil prices rose over 1% in muted trade owing to public holidays in Britain and the United States after a ...
投資市場另外也在等待美國本週的通膨數據公布,因為可能會影響聯準會(FED)的降息預期和石油價格。美國4月核心個人消費支出物價指數報告(PCE)將在週五公布,而PCE是FED最愛的通膨「壓力指標」,目前預計壓力會保持穩定,但仍無法預見降息時間,因為目前 ...
國際油價周二 (28 日) 走勢穩定,因為外界預料石油輸出國組織與夥伴國 (OPEC+) 將在 6 月 2 日的產量會議上維持限制性供應政策,再加上美國夏季燃料需求強勁的希望,平衡美國利率在更長時間內保持高峰的擔憂。
Stocks on Wall Street pushed higher on Tuesday as US consumer confidence rose in May following three straight months of ...
Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, pointed out that China is not a threat to the U.S. but a threat to the U.S. hegemony, and that is leading to a ...