After Alabama's embryo ruling, Senate Republicans have been put on the defense by Democrats on a weighty issue: IVF ...
When the Republican-dominated Legislature passed a bill in March to protect in vitro fertilization (IVF) services in the ...
The Southern Baptist Convention is set to take up a resolution opposing IVF next week. The denomination may also ban women ...
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos are legally protected children is highlighting how support for the idea that a fetus should have the same rights as a ...
When the Republican-dominated Legislature passed a bill in March to protect in vitro fertilization (IVF) services in the state, legislators said they planned to form a commission to study the ...
Alabama lawmakers and Gov. Kay Ivey agreed to protect in vitro fertilization providers from legal liability Wednesday, more than two weeks after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos ...
The dilemma reflects the age-old friction between faith and science at the heart of the recent IVF controversy in Alabama, ...
When faced with infertility, Amanda and Jeff Walker had a baby through in vitro fertilization but were left with extra ...
Last week, Republicans in Congress introduced the IVF Protection Act. The claimed goal is to ensure that states do not ban ...
During the most recent legislative session in 13 states (including Iowa), lawmakers introduced bills that could give some of ...
Republicans Ted Cruz and Katie Britt are lying when they say their proposal would protect IVF nationwide — it would still ...
Sam Earle, of Lakeland, who went through embryo adoption with his wife Religious scholars say the IVF issue is largely underexplored among evangelical Protestants, who lack the clear position against ...