Kids and young adults who use social media for seven or more hours per day have double the risk of taking up vaping or ...
The likelihood of smoking, vaping, and dual-use also rose in tandem with the amount of time spent on social media. Those who said they spent less than 1 hour/day on social media were 92% more ...
Those in the Netherlands in life threatening danger should immediately dial 112 for emergencies, and anyone suffering from depression or contemplating suicide can call 113 Zelfmoordpreventie at any ...
Vaping is driving nicotine use in young people who would never have smoked, researchers have warned. The use of e-cigarettes has tripled among 18 to 24-year-olds, while smoking has barely fallen ...
The vaping vs. smoking debate highlights risks like nicotine addiction and harmful chemicals in cigarettes. Vaping with vape pens exposes users to volatile organic compounds, heavy metals like ...
Many people consider vaping a safer alternative to smoking. While it eliminates many harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, vaping still poses significant health risks and can be equally ...