Kids and young adults who use social media for seven or more hours per day have double the risk of taking up vaping or ...
The more time spent on social media, the greater the likelihood that children and young people will both smoke and/or vape, ...
The more time spent on social media, the greater the likelihood that children and young people will both smoke and/or vape, ...
Males were less likely to be in higher groups of social media use, and social media use was more frequent among the older ...
“This survey reports responses given at a single point in time, rather than following non-smokers over time to see if the likelihood of them taking up cigarette smoking or e-cigarette use is ...
Researchers say social media companies have ‘substantial power’ to reduce young people’s exposure to smoking and vaping ...
Researchers found those on social media more than seven hours a day are almost four times more likely to vape than non-users, ...
Just an hour of social media a day doubles a young person’s chance of smoking or vaping, a BMJ study has suggested. Researchers found that the longer children and young people were exposed to social ...
The new study, published in the medical journal Thorax, revealed that a mere 0.8% of kids who do not use social media vape, but the number spikes to 2.4% among those who use social media for just one ...
If you've quit smoking and have switched to vaping instead, your odds for lung cancer won't fall as steeply as if you quit ...
The World No Tobacco Day is observed annually on May 31 to lead a global campaign aimed at raising awareness about the risks ...
The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has cautioned the youth to disregard the widely held misconception linking smoking tobacco ...