Kids and young adults who use social media for seven or more hours per day have double the risk of taking up vaping or ...
The existing body of research on social media use and smoking and vaping mostly concerns the USA ... of online safety and child protection." In a linked editorial, Dr Kim Lavoie of the University ...
13 percent of young people are at risk of “problematic use of social media,” compared to 8 percent in 2019. “These young people indicate that they are sleep deprived or that they are neglecting their ...
Vaping is driving nicotine use in young people who would never have smoked, researchers have warned. The use of e-cigarettes has tripled among 18 to 24-year-olds, while smoking has barely fallen ...
Moreover, the aerosol produced by vaping can contain harmful chemicals linked to lung disease and other health ... The repetitive hand-to-mouth action, the ritual of lighting up, and the social ...
The vaping vs. smoking debate highlights risks like nicotine addiction and harmful chemicals in cigarettes. Vaping with vape pens exposes users to volatile organic compounds, heavy metals like ...
Social media use has sparked a "public health problem" in Queensland, with authorities linking it to an alarming number of teenagers being hospitalised.
A decade-long South Korean study reveals that ex-smokers who vape have a higher risk of developing lung cancer than those who quit without using e-cigarettes ... and cancer-related death than ...