Kids and young adults who use social media for seven or more hours per day have double the risk of taking up vaping or ...
The existing body of research on social media use and smoking and vaping mostly concerns the USA ... of online safety and child protection." In a linked editorial, Dr Kim Lavoie of the University ...
Kids and young adults who use social media for seven or more hours per day have double the risk of taking up vaping or smoking or both, new research shows. The study is based on a survey of almost ...
The existing body of research on social media use and smoking and vaping mostly concerns the USA ... of online safety and child protection." In a linked editorial, Dr Kim Lavoie of the University ...
The study showed that people who use social media are more likely to smoke or vape. For example ... said the study “sheds light on the potential link between social media use and young people ...
The existing body of research on social media use and smoking and vaping mostly concerns the ... of online safety and child protection." In a linked editorial, Dr. Kim Lavoie of the University ...
“compelling evidence that vape companies are using social media to market their products. Social media may be driving cigarette smoking and e-cigarette use through both direct, targeted ...
A study published in Thorax looks at social media use and smoking and vaping in youths. Dr Graham Wheeler ... analysing a nationally representative survey of UK youth sheds light on the potential link ...
How much time they spent on TikTok, Instagram and other social media platforms tracked well with their odds for smoking or vaping, the study found. Just 2% of people who reported no social media use ...