The slim iPhone is said to arrive alongside the iPhone 17 series in September 2025. The report also suggests this iPhone ...
自從最薄的iPad Pro機型推出後,蘋果的產品設計方向愈發明確。據外媒《The Information》報導,蘋果公司正計劃於2025年推出全新薄型設計的iPhone 17,這款機型將會是蘋果自2017年iPhone ...
美國科技媒體《The Information》引述知情人士消息表示,蘋果公司(Apple)正研發一款更為輕薄的iPhone,最快可能在明(2025)年下半年發布。 我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀 報導指出,這款iPhone可能會與iPhone 17同時推出 ...
The iPhone 17, debuting in 2025, is rumoured to feature Apple's slimmest design ever, with significant upgrades and a higher ...
Some users prefer slimmer phones, and competitors like Samsung offer thin options. Apple might be pressured to cater to this ...
彭博社記者 Mark Gurman 表示,蘋果正計畫對iOS 18內的Siri進行重大的 AI 人工智慧改進,讓 Siri 首次能夠控制應用程式中的所有個別功能,並且拓展 Siri 的功能與應用能力,同時他還強調更先進的 AI Siri ...
Rumors are swirling in the tech world about Apple’s plans to shake up its iPhone lineup in 2025 with the introduction of a ...
The iPhone 16 is still many months away, but leaks about the iPhone 17 lineup are already coming out. We’ve gathered ...
Apple is working on a slimmed down version of the iPhone, according to a report in The Information, which cited three people ...
Given Apple's rumored plan to add an all-new high-end tier to its iPhone 17 series in 2025, this could be the year for Apple ...
The long-anticipated AirTag 2 is expected to launch in 2025. These are five things I hope Apple adds to this item tracker.
It's been just over two weeks since the M4 iPad Pro launched, which means it's time for a longer term review of the updated ...