U.S. Rep. Tom Tiffany claimed gray wolves have recovered. But that's not true for the majority of the places wolves once ...
台北市立動物園大貓熊「團團」於2022年11月19日離世,團團的標本也於去年製作完成。動物園今(16)日表示,為響應17日「國際瀕危物種日Endangered Species ...
The wolves, a male and a female, would become the southernmost pack in Arizona and the first in the Sky Islands in decades.
The Utah Court of Appeals allowed a reporter for the Utah Investigative Journalism Project to see unredacted expenditure ...
Several legislators from Washington, including Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Dan Newhouse and Marie Glusenkamp Perez, voted for the act. The act is a dangerous piece of legislation, with the potential to ...
The deaths are the latest in a series of poisonings that have killed 19 Oregon wolves since 2015, plus several domestic dogs.
The proposed regulations set parameters for hunting the species in the state amid heightened attention.
After more than 30 years of ongoing discussions and debates, the Colorado government under Jared Polis has signed a bill to ...
Against the orange glare of high-pressure sodium lights, a small projector cast an image of a northern jaguar against the ...
The target was likely a wolf, the latest poisoning in a disturbing trend that has killed 19 wolves in Oregon since 2015.
Lawmakers can still convene to consider veto overrides, though such a scenario appears unlikely as lawmakers move from the ...