In an interesting turn of events, Google is not going to face a jury trial in the antitrust lawsuit brought by the US ...
A US federal judge ruled on Friday that an antitrust lawsuit brought by the US government against Google will be decided by a ...
Google’s lawyers avoided the government’s attempt to have an antitrust lawsuit over its alleged online advertising monopoly heard by a jury.
Google has achieved its goal of avoiding a jury trial in one antitrust case after sending a $2.3 million check to the US ...
Google avoids jury trial by paying $2.3 million to cover US government's claim of damages in an antitrust case, eliminating ...
根據知情人士透露,美國司法部和聯邦貿易委員會近期達成協議,將就微軟(Microsoft)、OpenAI 和 NVIDIA 在人工智慧產業中扮演的主導角色展開反壟斷調查。 據知情者表示,司法部將調查 NVIDIA 是否違反了反托拉斯法,而聯邦貿易委員會 ...
Because non-monetary demands are heard by judges directly in antitrust cases, Google's payment means that it avoids a jury ...
A judge rather than a jury will decide whether Google violated federal antitrust laws by building a monopoly on the ...
The tech giant wants a judge, not a jury, to decide whether it broke antitrust laws and monopolized the technology that ...
Alphabet’s Google cannot head off a jury trial over its alleged digital advertising dominance by unilaterally cutting the ...
Alphabet's Google will not face a jury trial over its alleged digital advertising dominance after the company paid $2.3 ...