Growing public fascination with "magic" psilocybin mushrooms as a trendy treatment for depression had led to increased ...
Taken like this, magic mushrooms aren't offering a party buzz ... In a recent study by Oxford researchers, 200 people with treatment-resistant depression were treated with psilocybin. Those given the ...
There is currently no specific treatment plan, but scientists are investigating ways to manage ... Scientific studies are ...
A Health Canada-approved clinical trial is seeking 20 local participants who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress ...
A type of "magic mushroom" is gaining interest in the United States, but scientists at UC San Diego warned Monday it may not ...
The federal health agency has granted cluster headache patient Jody Lance emergency access to psilocybin, a psychedelic ...
Haley Shapley is the wellness columnist for Seattle Met. She’s the author of Strong Like Her: A Celebration of Rule Breakers, ...
Helen Down, 51, had been feeling apathetic and listless for years. She travelled to the Netherlands to take part in a ...
In an intriguing development, researchers are exploring the potential of psychedelics as a treatment for long Covid ... her ...
a spokeswoman for the company said, allowing it to ship pills containing the magic-mushroom extract psilocybin and MDMA ...
In a fascinating case report, researchers say this patient experienced significant relief from a debilitating case of long COVID after using MDMA and psilocybin — the active compound in magic ...