Police in New York City have arrested a suspect after actor Steve Buscemi was punched in an apparently random attack. Buscemi ...
Steve Buscemi, noto per film come Le iene e Fargo e serie tv come Boardwalk Empire, è stato vittima di un’aggressione a New York. Secondo la ricostruzione della polizia, Buscemi, 66 anni, era ...
Steve Buscemi's assault in New York City is the latest in a line of "random acts of violence" that have sparked conversations ...
The police recognized the suspect, Clifton Williams, when they went to the scene of another dispute on Friday.
Lo scrive il Guardian. Dopo l'aggressione Buscemi è stato ricoverato in ospedale con lividi, gonfiori e sanguinamento all'occhio sinistro. "Steve Buscemi è stato colpito a Mid-Town Manhattan, ...
A suspect in the Steve Buscemi attacker case was arrested and charged in New York City on Friday, according to the New York ...
Police in New York City have arrested a suspect after actor Steve Buscemi was punched in an apparently random attack. Buscemi, who is known for his starring role in the television series Boardwalk ...
L’attore Steve Buscemi è stato aggredito mentre camminava nell’East Side di Manhattan, senza motivo apparente. La nuova foto, la rom, la guardia giurata. Il caso di Denise Pipitone a una svolta?
A 50-year-old man named Clifton Williams was arrested by New York police on Friday for punching actor Steve Buscemi in a ...
A suspect was arrested in a random attack on actor Steve Buscemi and at least one other person. The 50-year-old man was taken ...
Nine days after actor Steve Buscemi was punched in the face on a Manhattan street, a man has been charged in the case, the ...
Giusy Buscemi, 31 anni, ha iniziato la carriera nel mondo dello spettacolo dopo la vittoria a Miss Italia 2012. Da quel momento, ha recitato in Don Matteo, nel Giovane Montalbano, nel Paradiso ...