Earlier in May, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, announced that he would seek ...
To suggest every older candidate or public servant retire would be rank ageism. But Ibelieve Sanders had an opportunity here ...
Age and health have drawn intensive focus in the presidential race, but the recent news that two octogenarians in the Senate ...
When California's senator sought a fifth full term at 85, Feinstein's age was a central part of the campaign. Not so for ...
Octogenarians Bernie Sanders and Angus King aren't facing the same sort of criticisms as the president as they seek ...
The party switch was the culmination of a long breakup with the Democratic Party by the conservative senator from West ...
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced on Friday that he is leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an ...
Thursday’s conviction was more than a gift to the Biden campaign. It was a self-gift. Joe Biden told Michigan voters in 2020, ...
Sen. Joe Manchin left the Democratic Party on Friday and registered as an independent, bashing “partisan extremism” and ...
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia announced Friday that he has changed his party registration to independent, ...
U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, the last statewide elected Democrat in West Virginia, has abandoned the party he has supported and led ...
CHARLESTON – U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, the last statewide elected Democrat in West Virginia, abandoned the party he has supported and led all his political life and switched to independent on Friday, ...