A former lead scientist at OpenAI says he's struggled to secure resources to research existential AI risk, as the startup ...
OpenAI has disbanded its team focused on the long-term risks of artificial intelligence just one year after the company ...
The entire OpenAI team focused on the existential dangers of AI has either resigned or been absorbed into other research ...
OpenAI has dissolved its team devoted to the long-term hazards of artificial intelligence just one year after the business ...
OpenAI eliminated a team focused on the risks posed by advanced artificial intelligence less than a year after it was formed ...
OpenAI heeft zijn team ontbonden dat verantwoordelijk was voor het beperken van de veiligheidsrisico's van geavanceerde AI-systemen. Volgens OpenAI wordt de groep in andere onderzoeksafdelingen ...
OpenAI has dissolved its team that focused on the development of safe AI systems and the alignment of human capabilities with ...
OpenAI bevestigt tegenover Bloomberg dat het het 'Superalignment'-team heeft ontbonden. Dit team werd in juli 2023 opgericht om de risico's van toekomstige AI-systemen, die 'veel slimmer' zijn dan ...
A former lead scientist at OpenAI says he's struggled to secure resources to research existential AI risk, as the startup reportedly dissolves his team. OpenAI’s Superalignment team, charged with ...