OpenAI’s Superalignment team, charged with controlling the existential danger of a superhuman AI system, has reportedly been ...
OpenAI has disbanded its team focused on the long-term risks of artificial intelligence just one year after the company ...
牛頓指出,「多年來,OpenAI 一直告訴大家,它更深遠的目標是更高尚、更熱心公益的事情。但自從奧爾特曼回歸後,公司就開始講述另一個故事:一個不惜一切代價贏得勝利的故事。」牛頓又指出,「它對待施嘉莉·祖安遜的態度應該讓每個人都感到擔憂」。
OpenAI has dissolved its team devoted to the long-term hazards of artificial intelligence just one year after the business ...
OpenAI's Superalignment team was formed in July 2023 to mitigate AI risks, like "rogue" behavior. OpenAI has reportedly disbanded its Superalignment team after its co-leaders resigned. One of the ...
OpenA 阻止了 5 起秘密影響力行動,這些行動試圖利用 OpenAI 的技術操縱世界各地輿論和影響地緣政治。 ChatGPT開發商OpenAI今天表示,過去3個月,OpenAI已破壞5起秘密影響力行動,這些行動試圖利用OpenAI的人工智慧(AI ...
The entire OpenAI team focused on the existential dangers of AI has either resigned or been absorbed into other research ...
OpenAI’s Superalignment team, charged with controlling the existential danger of a superhuman AI system, has reportedly been disbanded, according to Wired on Friday. The news comes just days ...
OpenAI has dissolved its team that focused on the development of safe AI systems and the alignment of human capabilities with ...
OpenAI宣布新一代多模態AI模型GPT-4o,將逐步提供給所有ChatGPT服務用戶,強調GPT-4o對聲音輸入產生回應的速度與人類對話反應時間一樣快 熱門新聞 ...
GPT-4o 亮點在於其強大的跨媒體推理能力。它不僅能夠理解和分析文字、影像,還能處理語音訊息,讓 GPT-4o 簡直就是「超級 Siri」! OpenAI 在春季發表會上正式宣布最新生成式 AI 模型「GPT-4o」了!