A federal judge has blocked a new Biden administration rule that requires gun dealers to run background checks on buyers at gun shows and other places outside of gun shops. The rule, which was due ...
WASHINGTON — President Biden made a surprise nighttime visit to the Delaware home of Hallie Biden on Sunday — just before she’s due to serve as one of the most important witnesses at first ...
Ever since the Israel-Hamas war erupted, and even during the most hopeless stretches, smart people have been complaining that there’s no plan for Gaza once we reach the “day after” — that ...
Hunter Biden was all smiles as he walked into court Friday for a hearing as he awaits a trial that's expected to kick off in 10 days on whether he lied about being on drugs when he bought a gun.
“More children are killed in America by guns than cancer and car accidents combined,” President Biden said in a speech in Washington. By Nicholas Nehamas The president, who is in the middle ...
Vice President Kamala Harris has focused on stopping gun violence during a campaign stop in Maryland to support U.S. Senate Democratic nominee Angela Alsobrooks in a race that could determine ...
Vice President Kamala Harris has focused on stopping gun violence during a campaign stop in Maryland to support U.S. Senate Democratic nominee Angela Alsobrooks in a race that could determine ...
Dennis Ross, a longtime Middle East negotiator, on the competing interests stymieing a hostage deal—and a possible end to the war.
The US president’s son will finally face trial this week over charges that he lied about being addicted to illegal drugs when buying a gun ...
As the primary season comes to a close, analysts weigh in on what the results can tell us about the Biden-Trump rematch. US president’s remarks come as Washington pursues a truce and captives ...