By Samia Nakhoul and Guy Faulconbridge ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) -Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he could deploy conventional missiles within striking distance of the ...
A bitter and bloody war in Ukraine has devastated the country, further isolated Russia from the West and fueled economic insecurity around the world. The departure of the official, who had ...
Here is the situation on Friday, May 17, 2024. The United States announced sanctions on two Russian nationals and three Russian companies for facilitating arms transfers between Russia and North ...
Rhetoric is ramped up as Ukraine’s Zelenskyy tells French parliament ‘Europe is no longer a continent of peace’.
Russia is using barges to protect Crimea's Kerch Bridge, according to a new report by the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense (MOD). The MOD said an analysis of imagery has identified the ...
Russia accused Ukraine of shelling the Russian-occupied eastern territories of Kherson and Luhansk on Friday, leaving at least 25 dead. Kherson and Luhansk were among four Ukrainian ...
"And such actions could well become a casus belli (an act that provokes a war)." Medvedev, who has become one of the Kremlin's most hardline hawks, was commenting after four U.S. officials told ...
Iran and an Israeli company also exploited the tools in online influence efforts, but none gained much traction, an OpenAI report said. By Cade Metz Lt. Gen. Vadim Shamarin is accused of ...
A Russian airstrike on Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv destroyed a cafe, damaged a nearby residential building and set a petrol station ablaze.
Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, said Russia may have been behind a fire at the Marywilska 44 shopping centre in Warsaw Credit: Dariusz Borowicz/Agencja via REUTERS First, a ...
A series of recent incidents have pushed Paris and Moscow, already at odds over the Kremlin's war effort in Ukraine, even further apart. "Given Macron's previous, somewhat softer, approach to ...