Ryssland har tagit tiotals civila till fånga i Vovtjansk i Charkivregionen, och använder dem som ”mänskliga sköldar”. Det hävdar Serhij Bolvinov, chef för den lokala polisens ...
Ryska styrkor som försöker inta gränsstaden Vovtjansk har tagit ett stort antal civila som fångar. De mestadels äldre fångarna används nu som mänskliga sköldar, enligt polisen i regionen Charkiv. – De ...
Costa Rica has become the 50th country to join the Ukrainian Bookshelf project of the First Lady of Ukraine. This was announced by Olena Zelenska. At present, one of our main tasks is to secure more ...
A bitter and bloody war in Ukraine has devastated the country, further isolated Russia from the West and fueled economic insecurity around the world. Some residents of Bari, Italy, hope Ukraine ...
RFE/RL's Live Briefing gives you all of the latest developments on Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Western military aid to Kyiv, worldwide reaction, and the plight of civilians and refugees.
Former chancellor said there had been no reason to believe Kremlin would limit supplies via Nord Stream 1 pipeline, says German newspaper ...
The roots of Russia's invasion of Ukraine go back decades and run deep. The current conflict is more than one country fighting to take over another; it is — in the words of one U.S. official ...
The U.S. observes a limit of 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads set in the 2010 New START treaty with Russia even though Moscow "suspended" its participation last year over U.S. support for ...
Delving into the realm of unbuilt architectural projects by renowned offices offers a peak into the design principles and ethos of the studios. The curated list of unbuilt projects submitted by ...
A group of international creditors began closed talks with Ukraine this week, as the two sides work to prevent the country from defaulting on its $20 billion in international debt while it fends ...