Worse yet, although Israel claims to have killed thousands of Hamas fighters, there is little evidence to suggest that the ...
White House national security communications adviser John Kirby said the United States expects that if Hamas agrees to a ...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has spoken with Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and Israeli Minister Benny Gantz ...
The United States said Sunday that if Hamas accepts the proposed multi-phase Gaza truce plan outlined by President Joe Biden, it expects Israel to follow suit.
Israel said on Saturday there would be no formal end to the Gaza war as long as Hamas retains power, raising questions of ...
RAFAH (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) – Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip and battled Hamas Sunday as mediators called on both ...
U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday said Israel has presented Hamas with an offer that could immediately lead to a six-week ...
Citing an unnamed official, Al-Qahera News said Egypt affirmed that Israel must withdraw its forces from the Palestinian side ...
President Joe Biden threatened to withhold from Israel key weapons if the Jewish state proceeded with a major invasion of ...
It turns out they are hiding a lot. Over one million Gazans were said to be sheltering in humanitarian safe areas in Rafah, ...
The ICC prosecutor has requested warrants, but a judge hasn't granted them. Even if the warrants are granted, it’s unlikely ...