The New York Times: Why The Human Case Of Bird Flu With Respiratory Symptoms Is Concerning The third human case of H5N1, reported on Thursday in a farmworker in Michigan who was experiencing ...
It's the first time this year the virus has been found in Los Angeles County. Meanwhile, officials in Berkeley and Albany are set to test two popular parks for evidence of radioactive waste.
Thousands of cases of intellectual disabilities may be explained by a newly identified gene mutation. Also in the news: how body composition scans are better than BMI; summer may be linked to higher ...
Chemo Drugs Attached To Antibodies Battle Cancer Cells More Directly NBC News reports on how antibody drug conjugates, as they're known, can more effectively tackle tumor cells. Also in the news: ...
Lawmakers intend to grill the immunologist over record-keeping practices at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and other covid-related issues. The New York Times: Fauci To Face ...
Research has found that covid is not contracted through the mucosal membrane of the eye, but the virus can cause damage like retinal lesions, microaneurysms in the eye, and retinal atrophy. KBIA: MU ...
CIDRAP reports on the approval of Moderna's mRNA vaccine, called mRESVIA, which is expected to be available during the 2024-25 respiratory virus season. Other news is on a rise in whooping cough cases ...
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who headed the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases during the height of the pandemic, told Congress that the CDC's social distancing rule was “an empiric decision ...
A group of patients and doctors had brought a lawsuit to ensure doctors were not prosecuted for performing abortions in medically complicated pregnancies, but the state Supreme Court rejected it.
CMS sought comments on ways that it can improve Medicare Advantage. The majority of feedback came from providers, but beneficiaries also weighed in with horror stories about deficient networks.
The FDA cited flaws in a company's study into the use of MDMA as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. Separately, reports say some drugmakers will cap asthma inhaler costs at $35 a month; ...
LOS ANGELES — The party was winding down. Its young hosts, María Rivas Cruz and her fiancé, Raymond Olivares, had accompanied friends to their car to bid them farewell. As the couple crossed a ...