Israel battled and bombarded Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Sunday as mediators called on both sides to agree to a truce and ...
Iran's hardline former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday registered his candidacy for a presidential election this ...
Sudanese entrepreneur Julie Samir's dream of opening a restaurant has finally come true, but it's a bittersweet achievement ...
Turkey's move, along with Greece, to join the German-led European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI) last February has prompted ...
While the US’ presence in the Kurdistan Region — and the Middle East more broadly — is defined by its security role, India’s ...
Centrist Ali Larijani threw himself in bitter exchanges with hard-line rivals after attacking the status quo and promising to ...
Thousands of Israelis rallied in Tel Aviv Saturday to demand acceptance of a ceasefire and hostage release deal outlined by ...
New York police arrested at least 22 people after pro-Palestinian protesters picketed New York's Brooklyn Museum, charging ...
A Hezbollah-affiliated medical organisation said 16 children were wounded Saturday in an Israeli air strike on the south ...
Mohammed Al-Najjar, a 33-year-old Gazan, said Saturday he was "shocked" and feeling "lost" as he returned home, only to find ...
US President Joe Biden unveiled a three-phase Israeli proposal to end the war in Gaza on Friday, which includes a ceasefire ...
The Iraqi prime minister says he is in contact with the Turkish and Syrian presidents as part of reconciliation efforts ...